Monday, January 20, 2014

Whiplash Treatment Guidelines

 Whiplash Treatment Guidelines
Whiplash injuries can result in serious permanent damage. It is extremely important that the treating physician is up to date with the latest research as well as treatment protocols. This will not only help the patient recover as soon as possible but with the least amount of residual damage as well.
Secondly, it is important that the treating physician be able to document the injuries that the patient has received.
Remember, that proving your injury to the insurance company is the responsibility of your doctor. In their eyes, if it is not written down, it did not happen. Insurance companies do not want to pay you anything!
One of the great things about Barton Chiropractic in Concord is our doctors are highly trained on Whiplash injuries. We offer what we believe is the finest care available. We will not release a patient until we can confirm and have documented that we have indeed corrected their problem. This along with our attention to detail with case documentation allows you to not only get better as soon as possible with the least amount of permanent damage but also receive the largest insurance settlement possible for your damages!
Some of the best research to date on the effects of car crash injuries was done by Dr. Art Croft. He is a rare scientist who cares more about the victims of accident cases than the insurance companies. No researcher has worked harder or done more original research with actual car crash studies.
Dr. Croft's has developed Treatment Guidelines designed to 'measure' the seriousness of the injury. Research has shown that the stage of the injury should be a big factor in dictating the treatment protocol. Here is a sample of his formula :

Dr. Croft recognizes four Stages of Injury:
Stage 1: acute inflammatory 0 - 72 hours
Stage 2: repair 72 hours - 14 weeks
Stage 3: remodeling -- 14 weeks -
Stage 4: chronic and permanent
Equally important is the severity of the injury. Not only is it important to know what stage the injury is in but how severe the injury is as well. Dr. Croft found that there are 5 Grades of Severity of Neck Injuries:
Grade 1: Minimal limitation ROM
Grade 2: Slight limitation ROM, no neurological findings.
Grade 3: Moderate limitation ROM, some ligamentous injury and neuro findings.
Grade 4; Moderate to Severe limitation ROM, ligamentous instability, neuro findings or disc derangement
Grade 5: Severe, requires surgical treatment and stabilization

 Never before has there been an easier way to not only get out of pain, but stay that way! Our highly trained doctors are experts at detecting and correcting subluxations that have resulted from auto accidents.

For more information on injuries resulting from car accidents visit our website Car Crash Specialist, or call our office to schedule a consultation with one of our specialist at 925 685-2002.



Unknown said...

My sister recently got into an auto accident and has a whiplash injury as a result. We had a hard time finding a chiropractor to treat her injury, in the beginning. There are many chiropractors and they basically know how to treat all forms and types of injuries. Although, chiropractors know how to treat all forms of chiropractic injuries, some specialize in one or a few. While reading your article, I really like how you start out talking about whiplash and I also like how you simply explain how to treat whiplash, right from the beginning. You mention that providing your auto accident injury to the insurance company, is the responsibility of the doctor. I think many people don't know this and actually my sister and I didn't know this, but now we do! Thanks for the information and your article was actually very interesting and helpful.

Unknown said...

Whiplash really looks like something that is uncomfortable. I personally have never had whiplash, but that x-ray really speaks words about the seriousness of it. Something that is interesting is that it sounds like there are a lot of different physicians that are able to take care of that kind of injury. Thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

What does a chiropractor do?
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