Monday, November 25, 2013

Car Accident Claim Problems

Ten Factors That Lower The Value Of Your Car Accident Claim

Barton Chiropractic has been a  leading expert in car accident injuries since 1986. Below are the ten most common problems we see that patients have when they go to settle their car accident claim.


1. Not wearing seat belts.
2. Equipment problems (bald tires, worn breaks).
3. Use of drugs or legal medications.
4. Not wearing proper glasses.
5. Traveling too fast for the conditions.
6. Talking on a cell phone or being distracted by passengers.
7. You had a previous injury to the same body part.
8. Damage to your vehicle does not support the amount of injury claimed.
9. The other driver had no injury.
10. Not seeing a specialist (like Barton Chiropractic) to document your injuries.

As I see it, the most important things are;

1. The bottom line is were you actually hurt?
2. What damage did you suffer? ( physical, property)
3. Did you lose time from work?
4. Can you document your losses?
5. Left unchecked, car accidents can cause permanent damage.

Remember, if it is not documented, it did not happen!  At Barton Chiropractic in Concord we are experts at detecting, correcting, and documenting damage that may that have occurred as a result of a car accident. You do not have to suffer. Call Barton Chiropractic in Concord at 925 685-2002 or click here for a free consultation right now!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Auto Accidents, Insurance Claims, Accident Attorneys

Car Accident, Car Accident Attorney, Car Accident settlement     

 As a victim under California law, you may have the right to a settlement. ( Click Car Accident Settlement for more details).  You have the right to make decisions concerning your case, including whether to accept or reject any offer of settlement.
You do not need to get a car accident attorney in most cases, although they will make it much easier. Just make sure that you do not make these common mistakes: Auto Accident Claim Mistakes .
Make sure that you document your case well. This includes your injuries. Remember, if it is not documented it did not happen. This is why it is so important that you find a chiropractor that not only understands the injury mechanics involved in whiplash, as well as, how to document it.
Finding the right doctor can be huge! Your case as well as your future health depends on it.
For over 26 years, the doctors at Barton Chiropractic in Concord have been recognized as experts in med-legal health care. This is probably why so many attorneys from all over the state refer their clients to our office for whiplash reconstructive care.
Call (925) 685-2002 to schedule a free consultation with on of our specialist today!
If you have been involved in a car accident and do not know what to do first, click on: What To Do After a Car Accident

Thursday, November 21, 2013

What are some of the worst mistakes an accident victim can make?

 Accident victims generally need the assistance of an experienced Chiropractor to facilitate healing of the damaged tissue, help ease the suffering and document the injuries.

Without the proper documentation, your injury does not exist!

We have also found that an experienced personal injury attorney to help protect your rights and the value of your claim is a great idea.

Accident claims can be very complicated and it is easy to make a mistake which could cost you dearly.

Here are a few of the most common mistakes we see:

1. Give statements to an insurance adjuster regarding how the accident happened.
2. Sign an authorization for the release of medical records.
3. Delay getting medical treatment promptly after an accident.
4. Failing to get photographs of damage to all vehicles.
5. Failing to follow doctor's orders to stay off work.
6. Talking to neighbors about the accident or injuries.
7. Failing to get Uninsured Motorist benefits.
8. Failing to keep medical appointments.
9. Failing to correct errors in a police report.
10. Failing to retain the proper experts ( Barton Chiropractic) to prove and document a claim.

If you have been involved in an auto accident you may have been injured. You may even have some amount of permanent damages. Only a specialist like Barton Chiropractic in Concord can fully evaluate and document the extent of your injuries.

Don't wait till its too late, Contact Barton Chiropractic today at 925 685-2002, and schedule a free consultation. or click here: Auto Accident Consultation and we will get you in as soon as possible.

How much money is my car accident claim worth?

What is the Value of my Car Accident Claim?

 The value of your car accident claim is not a simple question to answer. In general, personal injury claims involve two major elements:

   1) The actual damages and damages for pain and suffering which include items like past and future medical expenses, lost wages, and damage to property. Actual damages are determined by reviewing documentation such as receipts or bills, and calculating the time you missed from work or potentially the reduction in your future earning capacity as determined by your doctor.
2) Pain and suffering is much more difficult to determine and will largely depend on the severity of your injuries as perceived and documented by your doctor.

Not all doctors are created equal. While most chiropractors will do a fairly good job at getting you out of pain, not all have the skill to truly detect and correct your problem structurally. Of the doctors that can truly correct your problem, not many have the training in properly documenting your injuries in a manner that will help build your case.

At Barton Chiropractic in Concord, our highly trained doctors are experts in whiplash type injuries. Dr. Barton has over 26 years experience in detecting, correcting and documenting every aspect of your injury. This is one of the reasons that so many attorneys from all over the state refer their clients to our chiropractic office for care.

If you have been involved in a car accident, you may have suffered permanent damage from a whiplash type injury. Do not let an insurance company take advantage of you.

 Call 925 685-2002 for your free consultation with one of our highly trained doctors today!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013



Whiplash is a term used to describe what happens to your head and neck in an car accident.  It can occur at any angle; head on collisions, rear-end impacts, from any corner, or from being T-Boned, which is impact from the side.    

Symptoms of Whiplash

Whiplash symptoms can include neck pain and stiffness, shoulder pain, headaches, back pain, arm pain, numbness or tingling in your fingers, dizziness or lightheadedness, mid back pain, low back pain, numbness or tingling down your legs.  Whiplash may also produce facial pain, ringing in the ears or hearing loss, vertigo, blurred vision, or even hoarseness.  Whiplash is real and painful. Whiplash Injuries Can Remain Hidden For Weeks Or Months 

Specific Chiropractic is the most appropriate approach to these types of injuries.  Chiropractic care utilizes specific bone manipulations (Adjustments) to help normalize spinal function.

How long will my pain last?

Macnab ( acceleration extension injuries of the cervical spine: 1982) reviewed 266 medicolegal cases and found that 45% of the patients continued to have symptoms 2 years after they settled their lawsuit. ( approximately 3 years post injury).  Ebbs et al. found 36 of 137 patients who were followed for more than a year continued to have neck pain. Norris and watt found that 44-90% of patients in their series remained symptomatic 22 months post injury.

These percentages represent patients that did not receive Specific Chiropractic Care.

Most minor to moderate whiplash injuries are overlooked by the patient, the hospital, and even the patient's family medical provider due to the lack of initial pain.  One week up to 2 months after the injury, the patient continues to have pain or the pain worsens, is when most people begin to realize that the injury is much worse then they had imagined.

Specific Chiropractic Care

There are different types of Chiropractic care. Many chiropractors do not take x-rays and focus entirely on symptoms. These chiropractors typically will use physical therapy to help with the symptoms. Although this might sound like a great idea, the reality is that symptoms often subside
way before the problem is corrected.

Specific Chiropractic care will always require initial x-rays to determine how the vertebrae is misaligned. Usually these Doctors will require an x-ray at the end of care to verify that the problem has actually been corrected.

Call Us Today At Barton Chiropractic Center in Concord to Schedule your Exam 
Dr. Barton , has had the experience of helping thousands of car accident victims in their careers, saving most of them from long-term drug addiction and years of future pain as a result of their soft tissue, whiplash injuries.

Call us for your comprehensive examination.  If you have challenges needing treatment, rest assured we will provide you with the most competent and comfortable care available.  We are willing to work with you regardless of whether you do or do not have an attorney.

Our primary concern is to help you move into your future without the painful effects of whiplash following you there.

Call us today at 925-685-2002.  We look forward to serving you.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Car Accident Injuries - Whiplash

Understanding Whiplash

As a leading Concord Chiropractor, I have been studying Whiplash for over 26 years. Our office has helped thousands of patients over the years.  Many of your friends or neighbors may have been  patients of ours at one time. Our diligence and attention to detail clearly set us apart from other offices. This is one of the reasons attorneys from all over the state refer their patients to our office for pain relief after a car accident.

Whiplash symptoms from a car accident can cause you pain right away. But pain and symptoms sometimes can take 10 days to even 8 weeks before you feel them. This can make whiplash complicated to support from an insurance standpoint. Often patients think they are not injured after a car accident. Then 2 weeks later you wake up and can barely move your neck, or you find you are have constant headaches, or worst.


Whiplash Symptoms Can Include

  • Neck pain and stiffness (often in the front of your neck too)
  • Headaches, often at the base of the skull
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Irritability
  • Emotional upset- from fear, to crying to anger, unexpectedly
  • Speech changes
  • Difficulty Swallowing
  • Memory problems
  • Concussion


Seatbelt Use

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among those age 5-34 in the U.S.1 More than 2.3 million adult drivers and passengers were treated in emergency departments as the result of being injured in motor vehicle crashes in 2009.2 Adult seat belt use is the most effective way to save lives and reduce injuries in crashes.3 Yet millions of adults do not wear their seat belts on every trip.

Children and Injuries

Many times parents seek care for their injuries but forget about their kids. Children are thought to be more resilient, but this is not always the case. Car Crash injuries are a leading cause of death among children in the United States.

 Many of these deaths can be prevented. Placing children in age- and size-appropriate car seats and booster seats reduces serious and fatal injuries by more than half. If your child has been involved in a car accident, do not wait for them to develop serious problems. Get them checked today!

If you have been involved in a car accident, you most likely suffered a Whiplash type injury. Research shows that left untreated, you most likely will end up with some type of permanent damage. Click Whiplash Specialist or call our office at 925 685-2002 to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors at absolutely no charge. If you would like to find out more about our office click Concord Chiropractor.


Hit By a Car While Walking?

Barton Chiropractic in Concord helps hundreds of people each year. Many have been hit by cars while they were trying to cross a street. Damage as you can imagine is usually very severe resulting in permanent injuries and sometimes death.
In 2010 alone, 4,280 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes in the United States, and another 70,000 pedestrians were injured. This averages to one crash-related pedestrian death every 2 hours, and a pedestrian injury every 8 minutes. Pedestrians are 1.5 times more likely than passenger vehicle occupants to be killed in a car crash on each trip.

If you have ever been involved in a pedestrian car accident, you are well aware of the pain and suffering that is involved. Insurance companies just do not seem to understand that even a slow impact of 5mph can result in major problems. Having played sports I can tell you that getting hit by a 250lb linebacker vs my 10 year old son is huge. 

If you have been involved in an accident you may have injuries that could result in permanent damage. Dont wait till it is too late. Visit our website Car Crash Specialist, or call our office to schedule a free consultation with one of our specialist at 925 685-2002.

If you would like more statistical data on the subject visit ; .

Accident Settlement, Injury Lawsuit


car accident lawsuit

As a Chiropractor for over 26 years, I have had the opportunity to help hundreds of people that have suffered auto accident injuries. Even the smallest impacts can leave lasting damage that is often not seen for many years. Chiropractic can correct the damage and minimize the amount of permanent damage that a patient will have to live with. This video shows just how severe the damage  can be.                                                          Chiropractic however, is not about auto accidents or pain relief. Chiropractic is the detection and correction of vertebral subluxations.
 Our bodies are self healing organisms that when functioning at 100% should be able to heal on their own. When  our bodies suffer trauma, it is possible to move a vertebrae out of place. This mal positioning can cause pressure on the involved nerve. This pressure will decrease nerve function and result in decreased bodily function. Chiropractic removes this interference allowing the body to heal itself, often preventing future degenerative changes.
Car Accident Whiplash
Unfortunately, sometimes patients are more concerned with "how much money they can get" and not their health. This is sad . It really is impossible to put a price on your health. A huge lawsuit settlement will never take the place of a lifetime of pain , suffering, sickness, and disease.
If you have been involved in a car accident, you may have suffered permanent injuries. The only way to know for sure is to see a Chiropractor and have them perform a thorough examination. At Barton Chiropractic in Concord, there is never a charge to sit down and talk to a doctor about your condition. If you would like to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors call 925-685-2002 now!
Whiplash correction Chiropractor

Car Crash Injury With vs Without Seatbelts.

Even low impact car crashes can cause injury.                                                                                                         But if your a dummy and not wearing a seat belt, not only are you breaking the law, you are more likely to suffer a serious injury.                                                                                                      Seat belts reduce serious crash-related injuries and deaths by about 50%.  

As a Chiropractor, our office helps hundreds of people that have suffered whiplash as a result of car crashes. Our  Chiropractic  Doctors have spent hours researching and studying the effects of whiplash type injuries. Seatbelts save lives and reduce injuries!

Who doesn't wear seatbelts?

 Adults age 18-34 are less likely to wear seat belts than adults 35 or older. (CDC, 2010, unpublished data)  Men are 10% less likely to wear seat belts than women. (CDC, 2010, unpublished data)

What does the law say?      

V C Section 27315 Mandatory Seat Belt Law
27315.  (a) The Legislature finds that a mandatory seatbelt law will contribute to reducing highway deaths and injuries by encouraging greater usage of existing manual seatbelts, that automatic crash protection systems that require no action by vehicle occupants offer the best hope of reducing deaths and injuries, and that encouraging the use of manual safety belts is only a partial remedy for addressing this major cause of death and injury. The Legislature declares that the enactment of this section is intended to be compatible with support for federal motor vehicle safety standards requiring automatic crash protection systems and should not be used in any manner to rescind federal requirements for installation of automatic restraints in new cars.

Who is effected?

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among those age 5-34 in the U.S.1 More than 2.3 million adult drivers and passengers were treated in emergency departments as the result of being injured in motor vehicle crashes in 2009.2 Adult seat belt use is the most effective way to save lives and reduce injuries in crashes.3 Yet millions of adults do not wear their seat belts on every trip.

 For more information, check out our website at Whiplash Specialist , or call to schedule a free consultation at 925 685-2002.