Monday, October 13, 2014

Eat More Whole Food

If you don't recognize an ingredient, your body won't either. Eat more whole foods.

Eat More Whole Food

If you don't recognize an ingredient, your body won't either. Eat more whole foods.


Hudson says "I need my Chiropractor!"

Hudson says "I need my Chiropractor!"


Information Superhighway

Your spine is the information highway between your body and your brain. Keep it free of roadblocks with chiropractic.

Information Superhighway

Your spine is the information highway between your body and your brain. Keep it free of roadblocks with chiropractic.

Colicky Baby Helped With Chiropractic

The Miracles of Chiropractic!!! This infant was crying for 2 1/2 days and nights. Nothing the parents did calmed the infant. The parents took the infant to a Chiropractor to be adjusted and you see the results!

Colicky Baby Helped With Chiropractic

The Miracles of Chiropractic!!! This infant was crying for 2 1/2 days and nights. Nothing the parents did calmed the infant. The parents took the infant to a Chiropractor to be adjusted and you see the results!


Happiness and Chiropractic





Plant Positive Seeds

Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts your life will start to change.

Plant Positive Seeds See Your Chiropractor Today!

Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts your life will start to change.




If Chiropractic can increase performance, shouldn't EVERYONE know this? Is there anything you would like to function better? See your local Chiropractor for details.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Car accident and whiplash

Have you been involved in a car accident? You may have suffered a whiplash type injury. You may have permanent damage.  Call Barton Chiropractic in Concord at (925) 685-2002 Now for a free consultation and find out if you have suffered injuries.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Whiplash, Why Does My Neck Hurt?

This is what happens when you do not get the proper care after a whiplash injury!  


As a leading Concord Chiropractor, I have been studying Whiplash for over 26 years.
 Many of your friends or neighbors may have been  patients of ours at one time.

Often patients think that they have not been injured after a car accident. They  might feel some stiffness maybe an ache or two. Then 2 weeks later you wake up and can barely move your neck, or you find you are have constant headaches, or worst. If you do not get the misalignment corrected, the vertebrae as well as the disc will decay and wear prematurely.
Whiplash Symptoms Can Include
  • Neck pain and stiffness (often in the front of your neck too)
  • Headaches, often at the base of the skull
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Irritability
  • Emotional upset- from fear, to crying to anger, unexpectedly
  • Speech changes
  • Difficulty Swallowing
  • Memory problems
  • Concussion
If you have been involved in a car accident, you most likely suffered a Whiplash type injury.
Research shows that left untreated, you most likely will end up with some type of permanent damage. Don't wait till it is too late, Get checked today!

Click Whiplash Specialist or call our office at 925 685-2002 to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors at absolutely no charge.

 If you would like to find out more about our office click Concord Chiropractor.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Physical Therapist - Chiropractor - or M.D. for Whiplash

Barton Chiropractic Reviews
Whiplash is a common injury associated most often with motor vehicle accidents. Whiplash is an important cause of chronic disability.

The most recent literature suggests that whiplash injury may occur as a result of hyperextension of the lower cervical vertebrae in relation to a relative flexion of the upper cervical vertebrae, which produces an S-shape of the cervical spine at the time of impact [].  This theory suggests an abnormal physiologic basis for the development of whiplash injuries. "Mis-aligned structure"

This "Mis-alignement"  is what Chiropractors do best.

Chiropractors apply a small amount of pressure on spinal bones to change their relative position. By re-aligning the spine they are able to restore the normal structure and actually correct the underlying problem. However, not all Chiropractors are created equal . There are two types of Chiropractors. Symptom based doctors or structural Chiropractors.

Structural Chiropractors will almost always require x-rays to analyze the problem so that they can properly realign the vertebrae. They will also take an x-ray when they are finished correcting the problem to confirm that the misalignment has been corrected. This is paramount as research has shown if the vertebrae are misaligned for more than five days, spinal degeneration begins. This would lead to premature arthritic changes.
Medical doctors are "gate keepers" , they have three options. 1) Massage 2) Physical Therapy 3)
Drugs. That's it. No magic bullet. So lets look at these options.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can be beneficial for those with the lingering effects of whiplash. People who have chronic symptoms often have muscle tightness and damage. Massage can help in a number of ways. It can help relax the muscles to decrease pain as well as help increase the flow of oxygen. This helps oxygen reach the injured tissues so that the healing process can speed up. Specific massage techniques can also bring freer movement to not only muscles but the injured ligaments as well. It does not have the ability to correct the underlying structural problem. This often results in reducing initial symptoms but, increased long term problems.

If you are experiencing lingering effects from whiplash you may want to explore physical therapy. Physical therapists can work to restore movement to the soft tissues in your neck. Treatments from physical therapy include both active and passive ones. Passive treatments are usually done in the acute stages of whiplash when you are experiencing a lot of pain. Eventually the goal of physical therapy is to get you active and start doing exercises that are therapeutic and strengthen your body.
They unfortunately do not have the ability to correct the underlying structural changes/ subluxations that have occurred.


You may choose pain medication to help decrease symptoms from whiplash. Medication may help you feel better but it doesn’t do anything to actually fix the cause of the problem so it isn’t something you should rely on for the long-term. If you have lingering effects you may choose to take medication while you explore other options. Once you find other treatments that actually start to make improvements you should start decreasing your medication intake. In reality all the medication will do is cover up the symptoms allowing your body to degenerate further.
The Answer
Often patients do not feel the severity of their injuries in the beginning or they think it will go away by itself.  They do not get the care that they need, and close their case. Then years later, you wake up and can barely move your neck, or you find you are have constant headaches, or worst. If you have closed your case, you are left paying the bill or worst, suffering with the problem for the rest of your life!
If you have been involved in a car accident, you most likely suffered a Whiplash type injury.
Research shows that left untreated, you most likely will end up with some type of permanent damage. Don't wait till it is too late, Get checked today!

Click Whiplash Specialist or call our office at 925 685-2002 to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors at absolutely no charge.

 If you would like to find out more about our office click Concord Chiropractor.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Do I have Whiplash? How long till the pain goes away?

Chiropractic and Whiplash.

If you were involved in a car accident, you most likely suffered a whiplash type injury. Multiple factors contribute to the severity of your injury as well as duration of care needed and the likelihood of permanent damage.

The scary thing is, often the pain doesn't start right away. Worst than that permanent damage is not that uncommon.

Often patients think that they have not been injured after a car accident. They  might feel some stiffness maybe an ache or two. Then 2 weeks later you wake up and can barely move your neck, or you find you are have constant headaches, or worst. If you have closed your case, you are left paying the bill or worst, suffering with the problem for the rest of your life!

Whiplash Symptoms Can Include

  • Neck pain and stiffness (often in the front of your neck too)
  • Headaches, often at the base of the skull
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue                                                                   
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Irritability
  • Emotional upset- from fear, to crying to anger, unexpectedly
  • Speech changes
  • Difficulty Swallowing
  • Memory problems
  • Concussion
The first thing we will address is Types of collisions: ( It does not really matter if you were the driver or the passenger. Criteria does not consider loss of consciousness, the use of seat belts, shoulder harnesses or other factors).

Type I   Primary rear impact (struck car moving or stationary) Type II  Primary side impact Type III Primary frontal impact Other:    Multiple Impacts, Rollover, Spinout etc.

Road conditions as well as the size of both cars is a contributing factor as well. Having played football in school, I can tell you, I would much rather get tackled by someone weighing 150lbs than someone that weighs 250lbs.

The first thing that your doctor needs to do is access the severity of your injury. There are 5 grades of severity of injury : 

Grade I:   Minimal; No limitations of motion or ligamenetous injury, No neurological findings Grade II:  Slight; Limitations of motion no ligamenetous injury, no neurological findings
Grade III: Moderate; Limitations of motion; some ligamenetous injury, neurological findings may be present.
Grade IV: Mod/severe; Limitations of motion; ligamenetous instability; neurological findings present. Fracture or disc derangement
Grade V:  Severe; requires surgical management/stabilization

   Typical Frequency and Duration of Care in Whiplash Injuries

                     5x/w       3x/w       2x/w          1x/w       1x/mos.        TD                    TN

Grade I        1w          1-2w       2-3w          <4w nbsp="" span="" w="">  
Grade II      1w          <4w mo.="" nbsp="" span="" w=""> 
Grade III     1-2w       <10w mos.="" nbsp="" span="" w=""> 
Grade IV     2-3w       <16w nbsp="" prn="" span="" w="">  
Grade V       Surgical stabilization necessary–chiropractic care post-surgical

Again often patients do not feel the severity of their injuries in the beginning or they think it will go away by itself.  They do not get the care that they need, and close their case. Then years later, you wake up and can barely move your neck, or you find you are have constant headaches, or worst. If you have closed your case, you are left paying the bill or worst, suffering with the problem for the rest of your life!

If you have been involved in a car accident, you most likely suffered a Whiplash type injury.
Research shows that left untreated, you most likely will end up with some type of permanent damage. Don't wait till it is too late, Get checked today!

Click Whiplash Specialist or call our office at 925 685-2002 to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors at absolutely no charge.

 If you would like to find out more about our office click Concord Chiropractor.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

When will my whiplash pain go away?

Whiplash injuries can result in serious permanent damage. It is extremely important that the treating physician is up to date with the latest research as well as treatment protocols. This will not only help the patient recover as soon as possible but with the least amount of residual damage as well.

Whiplash symptoms from a car accident can cause you pain right away. But pain and symptoms sometimes can take 10 days to even 8 weeks before you feel them. This can make whiplash complicated to support from an insurance standpoint. Often patients think they are not injured after a car accident because they do not have any symptoms or  they are " a little sore" after the accident. Then 2 weeks later you wake up and can barely move your neck, or you find you are have constant headaches, or worst. 
Whiplash Symptoms Can Include
  • Neck pain and stiffness (often in the front of your neck too)
  • Headaches, often at the base of the skull
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Irritability
  • Emotional upset- from fear, to crying to anger, unexpectedly
  • Speech changes
  • Difficulty Swallowing
  • Memory problems
  • Concussion

So, how long will my symptoms last?

In order to answer that we need to look at a few things. The first is the severity of the injury.  Dr. Croft, one of the leading researchers in the field, found that there are 5 Grades of Severity of Neck Injuries:
Grade 1: Minimal limitation ROM
Grade 2: Slight limitation ROM, no neurological findings.
Grade 3: Moderate limitation ROM, some ligamentous injury and neurological findings.
Grade 4; Moderate to Severe limitation ROM, ligamentous instability, neurological findings or disc derangement
Grade 5: Severe, requires surgical treatment and stabilization
Most researchers agree that for grade 2 and below symptoms can last up to 12-14 weeks without proper care and often result in some form of permanent damage. With corrective chiropractic care symptoms typically show a 80% reduction by week two of care, and are stabilized within 8-10 weeks with minimal residuals.
Grade 3 almost always results in permanent damage without corrective chiropractic care. With care symptoms show significant reduction within 2-3 weeks with resolution usually within 12-16 weeks.
Grade 4 again, symptoms reduced within 2-3 weeks, stabilization within 14-18 weeks with chiropractic care. Residual disabilities are anticipated.
For more information on injuries resulting from car accidents visit our website Car Crash Specialist.  
Or call our office to schedule a consultation with one of our specialist at 925 685-2002.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Whiplash Treatment Guidelines

 Whiplash Treatment Guidelines
Whiplash injuries can result in serious permanent damage. It is extremely important that the treating physician is up to date with the latest research as well as treatment protocols. This will not only help the patient recover as soon as possible but with the least amount of residual damage as well.
Secondly, it is important that the treating physician be able to document the injuries that the patient has received.
Remember, that proving your injury to the insurance company is the responsibility of your doctor. In their eyes, if it is not written down, it did not happen. Insurance companies do not want to pay you anything!
One of the great things about Barton Chiropractic in Concord is our doctors are highly trained on Whiplash injuries. We offer what we believe is the finest care available. We will not release a patient until we can confirm and have documented that we have indeed corrected their problem. This along with our attention to detail with case documentation allows you to not only get better as soon as possible with the least amount of permanent damage but also receive the largest insurance settlement possible for your damages!
Some of the best research to date on the effects of car crash injuries was done by Dr. Art Croft. He is a rare scientist who cares more about the victims of accident cases than the insurance companies. No researcher has worked harder or done more original research with actual car crash studies.
Dr. Croft's has developed Treatment Guidelines designed to 'measure' the seriousness of the injury. Research has shown that the stage of the injury should be a big factor in dictating the treatment protocol. Here is a sample of his formula :

Dr. Croft recognizes four Stages of Injury:
Stage 1: acute inflammatory 0 - 72 hours
Stage 2: repair 72 hours - 14 weeks
Stage 3: remodeling -- 14 weeks -
Stage 4: chronic and permanent
Equally important is the severity of the injury. Not only is it important to know what stage the injury is in but how severe the injury is as well. Dr. Croft found that there are 5 Grades of Severity of Neck Injuries:
Grade 1: Minimal limitation ROM
Grade 2: Slight limitation ROM, no neurological findings.
Grade 3: Moderate limitation ROM, some ligamentous injury and neuro findings.
Grade 4; Moderate to Severe limitation ROM, ligamentous instability, neuro findings or disc derangement
Grade 5: Severe, requires surgical treatment and stabilization

 Never before has there been an easier way to not only get out of pain, but stay that way! Our highly trained doctors are experts at detecting and correcting subluxations that have resulted from auto accidents.

For more information on injuries resulting from car accidents visit our website Car Crash Specialist, or call our office to schedule a consultation with one of our specialist at 925 685-2002.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Do I have Whiplash?


 Research has shown that even low impact "fender benders" can result in whiplash injuries and lead to permanent damage.

 If this is your first car accident and you have never had an car accident injury, I am sure you are currently a bit shocked by how much everything actually hurts, and how difficult it is to do normal daily activities.

Whiplash symptoms from a car accident can cause you pain right away. But pain and symptoms sometimes can take 10 days to even 8 weeks before you feel them. This can make whiplash complicated to support from an insurance standpoint. Often patients think they are not injured after a car accident because they do not have any symptoms or  they are " a little sore" after the accident. Then 2 weeks later you wake up and can barely move your neck, or you find you are have constant headaches, or worst.

Whiplash Symptoms Can Include

  • Neck pain and stiffness (often in the front of your neck too)
  • Headaches, often at the base of the skull
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Irritability
  • Emotional upset- from fear, to crying to anger, unexpectedly
  • Speech changes
  • Difficulty Swallowing
  • Memory problems
  • Concussion

Brain Injury and Whiplash

Before we go any further, please know that some of the whiplash symptoms above are more serious than others.

  If you or someone you love has been in a serious car accident and has these or other odd or worrisome symptoms:difficulty concentrating
  • memory problems
  • speech disturbances (stuttering, forgetting words, misplacing words)
  • or severe personality changes's very important for you or your loved one to call us immediately. Sometimes during a car accident, the whipping motion to the head can also cause mild and occasionally severe brain injury. You do not need to be diagnosed with a concussion to have brain injury symptoms. The brain can become injured when it hits the inside of the skull during a car accident. Real and lasting damage can happen without a person hitting their head.
If you have been involved in a car accident, you most likely suffered a Whiplash type injury.
Research shows that left untreated, you most likely will end up with some type of permanent damage.

 Click Whiplash Specialist or call our office at 925 685-2002 to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors at absolutely no charge. If you would like to find out more about our office click Concord Chiropractor.