Monday, November 25, 2013

Car Accident Claim Problems

Ten Factors That Lower The Value Of Your Car Accident Claim

Barton Chiropractic has been a  leading expert in car accident injuries since 1986. Below are the ten most common problems we see that patients have when they go to settle their car accident claim.


1. Not wearing seat belts.
2. Equipment problems (bald tires, worn breaks).
3. Use of drugs or legal medications.
4. Not wearing proper glasses.
5. Traveling too fast for the conditions.
6. Talking on a cell phone or being distracted by passengers.
7. You had a previous injury to the same body part.
8. Damage to your vehicle does not support the amount of injury claimed.
9. The other driver had no injury.
10. Not seeing a specialist (like Barton Chiropractic) to document your injuries.

As I see it, the most important things are;

1. The bottom line is were you actually hurt?
2. What damage did you suffer? ( physical, property)
3. Did you lose time from work?
4. Can you document your losses?
5. Left unchecked, car accidents can cause permanent damage.

Remember, if it is not documented, it did not happen!  At Barton Chiropractic in Concord we are experts at detecting, correcting, and documenting damage that may that have occurred as a result of a car accident. You do not have to suffer. Call Barton Chiropractic in Concord at 925 685-2002 or click here for a free consultation right now!

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