Wednesday, November 20, 2013



Whiplash is a term used to describe what happens to your head and neck in an car accident.  It can occur at any angle; head on collisions, rear-end impacts, from any corner, or from being T-Boned, which is impact from the side.    

Symptoms of Whiplash

Whiplash symptoms can include neck pain and stiffness, shoulder pain, headaches, back pain, arm pain, numbness or tingling in your fingers, dizziness or lightheadedness, mid back pain, low back pain, numbness or tingling down your legs.  Whiplash may also produce facial pain, ringing in the ears or hearing loss, vertigo, blurred vision, or even hoarseness.  Whiplash is real and painful. Whiplash Injuries Can Remain Hidden For Weeks Or Months 

Specific Chiropractic is the most appropriate approach to these types of injuries.  Chiropractic care utilizes specific bone manipulations (Adjustments) to help normalize spinal function.

How long will my pain last?

Macnab ( acceleration extension injuries of the cervical spine: 1982) reviewed 266 medicolegal cases and found that 45% of the patients continued to have symptoms 2 years after they settled their lawsuit. ( approximately 3 years post injury).  Ebbs et al. found 36 of 137 patients who were followed for more than a year continued to have neck pain. Norris and watt found that 44-90% of patients in their series remained symptomatic 22 months post injury.

These percentages represent patients that did not receive Specific Chiropractic Care.

Most minor to moderate whiplash injuries are overlooked by the patient, the hospital, and even the patient's family medical provider due to the lack of initial pain.  One week up to 2 months after the injury, the patient continues to have pain or the pain worsens, is when most people begin to realize that the injury is much worse then they had imagined.

Specific Chiropractic Care

There are different types of Chiropractic care. Many chiropractors do not take x-rays and focus entirely on symptoms. These chiropractors typically will use physical therapy to help with the symptoms. Although this might sound like a great idea, the reality is that symptoms often subside
way before the problem is corrected.

Specific Chiropractic care will always require initial x-rays to determine how the vertebrae is misaligned. Usually these Doctors will require an x-ray at the end of care to verify that the problem has actually been corrected.

Call Us Today At Barton Chiropractic Center in Concord to Schedule your Exam 
Dr. Barton , has had the experience of helping thousands of car accident victims in their careers, saving most of them from long-term drug addiction and years of future pain as a result of their soft tissue, whiplash injuries.

Call us for your comprehensive examination.  If you have challenges needing treatment, rest assured we will provide you with the most competent and comfortable care available.  We are willing to work with you regardless of whether you do or do not have an attorney.

Our primary concern is to help you move into your future without the painful effects of whiplash following you there.

Call us today at 925-685-2002.  We look forward to serving you.

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